Because of the demented twisting of “… separation between ” C&%*#! ” & State” the following should be outlawed as they clearly violate the newly believed intent:

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a Christian holiday. Surely this is the first to go. And for the few that make claims that this was first a pagan holiday, have at it. Pagan religions are still religions.

Easter is no longer tolerated. This again is a Christian holiday and unabashedly so must go.

Thanksgiving, “…as a day of public fasting or thanksgiving” is not to be tolerated. Fasting is the fourth of the Five Pillars of Islam. The pilgrims celebrated “thanksgivings”, days of prayer thanking God for blessings. Two reglions means double the trouble.

Saint Patrick’s Day is unconscionable. There is no celebrating any Christian saints.

Halloween, or “all hallows’ eve” is the day to oppose “all saints’ day” and is a day of worship for satan cults. This holiday is banished.

President’s Day, or Washington’s Birthday shall be chopped from the list of federal holidays. We cannot observe a day for people that take their oath of office by putting their hand on a religious icon.

Valentine’s Day, shall be shot through the heart because it is a feast to yet another Christian Saint, Saint Valentine.

New Years Day, which is January 1st on the Juian calendar corresponds to January 14th on the Gregorian calendar, and it is on that date that the followers of some of the Eastern Orthodox C&%*#!s celebrate new year. Any Eastern Orthodox celebration will not be considered a national holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr Day – shall be forgotten because we can’t set aside a day in remembrance for a Baptist Minister as a national holiday.

Independence Day – we shall sever our ties with this day because we cannot celebrate a day when we signed a document that declares each of us to be a free person because we are endowed with unalienable rights from our Creator. Many do not believe in a Creator.

Columbus Day – we shall not allow a Christian organization, the Knights of Columbus, to lobby for a holiday to suit their own needs. This was not of secular origin and therefore will not stand.

Therefore, and hence the days forward we will have two observed federal holidays:
Labor Day and Memorial Day.

We are not done just yet. That just covers holidays. Let us be thorough and ensure a fuller separation from C&%*#! and State. Wiki tells us:

The present-day concept of the weekend first arose from the Dies Solis (Day of the Sun) decreed by Constantine and from Biblical Sabbath. The Christian Sabbath itself was just one day eash week, but the preceding day (the Jewish Sabbath) also came to be taken as a holiday in the twentieth century.

No day shall be a day of rest because it is either a Christian or Jewish day of rest. Therefore we will move to a 7 day work week to ensure to unentangle our federal government from any of these religious underpinnings.

Therefore the above shall apply to the following:

  • Teachers in each and every public school, at all levels.
  • Postal workers get more time to ensure our mail gets delivered in a timely fashion with the new 7 day work week.
  • All other un-named government workers.
  • Anybody receiving grant money, including Big Bird and his friends.
  • All persons working on the roads, bridges, and any other public works projects.
  • Students in any public school now have a 7 day school week. (If we can’t subject them to Christmas carols and/or plays, we certainly can’t expect them to take off the Jewish and Christian Sabbaths.) Private schools that do not receive tax dollars can continue with a five day school week if they desire.
  • Those working at GM and Chysler are currently required to follow this seven day work week because we the people, in the form of the federal government, own stock in those companies.
  • Those receiving government benefits also cannot observe any of these religious days. The government cannot support a lifestyle that takes the Jewish and Christian holy days off, so there will be new requirements concerning payment distributions.

To ensure the government isn’t promoting these filthy religious ideals on those that receive government benefits, they will now only be distributed daily, in person, with photo id. Just drop by your local government services office during business hours to receive your daily allotment of whatever you believe you deserve. Benefits not claimed on the day they are available will be forfeited to the State because the “work” required to obtain them was not completed. We cannot observe religious holidays when giving out government benefits.

We sincerely ask that you explain to your children why the holidays are no longer allowed to be celebrated and why they now have to attend school seven days a week instead of five. It is for the good of America and what the writers of our great founding documents truly envisioned for this fine nation. One more step towards separation of C&%*#! and State!

* Wiki *